Chamber Bucks for Teachers
Support our teachers by donating to the SPA Chamber Bucks Christmas Teacher Fund. For more information, click the link below. Thank you for supporting our teachers at GACC! Chamber Bucks for Teachers 2024
Support our teachers by donating to the SPA Chamber Bucks Christmas Teacher Fund. For more information, click the link below. Thank you for supporting our teachers at GACC! Chamber Bucks for Teachers 2024
We are close to getting fined or even losing the opportunity to do the paper trailer. SPA consists of only a few volunteers and the hours we are spending on cleaning up the trailer is not feasible. We need your help in following the guidelines below. We are so appreciative of your donations but we need everyone to take the time to do the extra small steps. Since having the trailer, we have raised over $240,000. We don’t want to lose this opportunity as it gives so much back to our school, students, and teachers. Paper . . .
Supportive Parents Association (SPA) is a committee of parent volunteers dedicated to supporting our teachers and students of GACC. Our mission is to make sure our teachers and staff feel loved, appreciated, and supported and that our students are enriched by activities in and out of the classroom. Here are some of the ways that SPA supports our teachers, staff and students throughout the year: Provide a catered meal for the teachers and staff at Christmas and the end of the year. Periodic cards and small . . .