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Alyssa Sandmeier Scholarship Opportunity

Due: March 24, 2023


Nebraska Creative Writing Scholarship Competition

            $1,000 Scholarship Award

This scholarship was established in 2015 to honor Jesus Christ by remembering Aurora resident, Alyssa Jane Sandmeier, age 10, who passed away on September 1, 2011,

after a six-year battle with leukemia. Alyssa was a lover of writing. At the time of her passing, she had already composed nearly 80 pages of hand-written text for her first novel,

"The Chronicles of Alexandria." What is truly amazing about her story is that her disease virtually crippled her hands and caused a tremendous amount of chronic pain. She

loved writing so fervently she knowingly chose the pain of writing rather than giving up the pen (or pencil in this case).  We count it all joy to honor Alyssa’s memory

with this scholarship competition.


To Apply for this scholarship, CLICK HERE